Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Scrum to Gloucester near midfield

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Good breakdown work by NGD earns them a turnover

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Lost forward by the hosts, scrum to NGD

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

High tackle earns Gloucester a penalty and they kick down to the 22

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Good defence by Gloucester and they force a knock on and then have a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

NGD look to maul but it's well defended

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Side entry by Gloucester and NGD have another penalty which they kick to touch around the hosts 22

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

NGD win a vital penalty and Jones finds touch to relieve the pressure

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Batley smashes his way through, Creed then nearly gets the offload wide, Protheroe short just short with Gloucester a metre out

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Denton claims the throw and Gloucester try maul again, it's down in the NGD 22