CJ Stander rugby player
CJ Stander

Try | 55'

Walter Obrien
El Rat 8 years ago

Adios Heaslip!

Philip Grant
Philip Grant 8 years ago

Munster struggling against the worst team in the competition...does not bode well..

Philip Grant
Philip Grant 8 years ago

El rat... Mmm...don't think so..Joe Schmidt knows more than me and you about rugby !

Shay Corcoran
Shay C. 8 years ago

Easy for stander to stand out in that pack

Lucas Brecón
Lucas B. 8 years ago

CJ Stander will be a huge boost for Ireland, but he should to stand out as Shay C. said between players as Henderson, Henry, O'Brien, O'Mahoney, Murphy, O'Donnell....and all the youngsters coming back those lads. El Rat continues as the last year as a standard bearer of the leinstermen haters.

Aggie O'Higgins
Aggie O'Higgins 8 years ago

there's always el rat

Jordan Murphy
Jordan Murphy 8 years ago

CJ Stander is a beast. 18 carries and 8 over the gainline, I don't think heaslip has had that many in the last 2 years. Not to say he's not a great player but CJ is a different level altogether!

Lucas Brecón
Lucas B. 8 years ago

CJ is a beast, no doubt about that, but remember that made that numbers against Treviso. As I said before, he will be a huge boost for Ireland, and that is the point, not what Heaslip did or not in the last years. If he plays like the first choice Schmidt should have his reasons.