Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Toulouse set up a maul and it is making good territory

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Bordeuax make a mess of it and Toulouse win a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Penalty Bordeaux and they find touch

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Bezy and co in the backs setting up some good phases but great breakdown work by Bordeaux gives them a steal

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Water break for the players as Toulouse loose the ball forward after rushed passes

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Solid defence drives them back 15m

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Bordeaux attack on the half way line and send it through the backs

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Great hands out wide and a neat grubber 7m out is well fielded by Bordeaux and cleared

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Brilliant by Toulouse as they are 3m short

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Advatnage Toulouse as they look for a weakness in defence 5m out