Tony Mar 3


Garett Farrell Mar 3

Best Welsh ref in the world

Tony Mar 3

Best ref in the world

Garett Farrell Mar 3

Is Barnes Welsh? Discuss.

Tony Mar 3


Jonny Wilson Mar 3

as an Ulster fan I feel Stockdale needs a call up soon. the other provinces must have some back line players floating about that can attack and defend better than earls, zebo and Kearney

Michael Uzice Mar 3

So pissed off still this morning , it's really starting to make the New Zealand win look ever more meaningless. Let's hope for a better result next week!

Varad Datar Mar 3

there goes my fantasy league team☹️

Alan O'Driscoll Mar 3

@JamesArnold, we beat a weak NZ team, no two ways about it. Been mediocre since.

Jonny Wilson Mar 3

better team won! Ireland forwards had no answer and the back three looked sluggish. must do better next week