J.D. Fitz.Gerald Jun 6

McFadden having a good game

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Just 5 minutes to go and this time its Canada with the possession inside Irelands 10 metre. The Irish defence is too strong a unit to let any of the reds through

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Marshall with a sneaky flick behind his back gets the ball to Tommy O'Donnel who shrugs off the first row tackler to run into free space and touch down between the posts. Jackson converts and Ireland now find themselves 19 points ahead.

Brendan Hayes Jun 6

Aboy O'Donnell

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Its been all Canada for the past 5 minutes playing inside Irelands half. However after numerous phases Ireland get a turnover and bing play into Canada's half

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

All of a sudden theres an injection of pace into the game. Both sides looking to add to the board with only 13 minutes to go.

Ken B. Jun 6

Tuohy will prob get cited for that but 13 was too high, did the same as 13 once, now I've titanium in my jaw, he won't do that again!!!!

Rory Keane Jun 6

McLaughlin is putting in a great preformance in the breakdown

Andrew Correia Jun 6

C'mon Ireland

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Just 1 minute after Cave's try. Both Ireland's second rows combine forces and Touhy offloads to Toner who manages to get the ball loose in the tackle and allow McFadden to go over for his second of the match.