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Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Line out not in straight, scrum Gold

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Quick hands from Gold but the Raptor's maintain their defensive line...

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty Raptors inside Gold's 22... and opts to have another go at the posts...

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty Raptors in their own 22m... and the ball is cleared till the halfway line for a line out..

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty Raptors for side entry... and the Quinlan will have a shot at the poles.... and he is successful....

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty Raptors... obstruction....

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Quick hands from the Gold backs is giving them an advantage but knocks the ball.... scrum Raptors..

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The game restarts with the scrum to Gold... after advantage is played the ref brings play back to a scrum penalty to Gold....

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Water break is taken..

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Raptors steals the line out and the flanker launches an attack but the ball is knocked on... scrum Gold