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Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

The conversion is missed..

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Flanders breaks but falls short, Dixon tries to go over for the line but is also brought down, Lowe picks the ball from the ruck and places it over the line..

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Flanders breaks but falls just short of the line..

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

The Bay moves into the 22m...

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Parsons picks up the ball and go...

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Lowe tries to find space but is tackled just short of the 10m line..

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Evans picks up and the ball and tries to gain metres but is brought down...

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

A knock from Cantebury... scrum Bay..

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

The maul is brought down and the Bay clears their lines...

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Burke cross kicks the ball but the ref brings play back for a penalty to Cantebury..