top 14
Ultimate Rugby May 5

The home crowd get very vocal as the LA Rochelle pack destroy the opposition

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Stade Francais win a penalty and kick to touch

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Danty and Steyn combine to relieve the pressure for SF

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Sinzelle is down getting attention

Ultimate Rugby May 5

LA Rochelle kick to touch off a penalty as they try to grab third 3rd try

Ultimate Rugby May 5

La Rochelle with a short arm penalty and he takes a quick tap

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Blood Bin

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Vito with a carry and James takes the front foot ball and finds a great territorial kick

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Scrum penalty to SF and Steyn kicks to touch

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Advantage SF and Steyn tries a kick pass but nothing comes of it