Ian Setterfield May 5

Hope that will not cost us , cannot afford to miss penalties

Kyle Tredwell May 5

He will be! Much better the ben youngs

Alex Hough May 5

That's why he's not a lion and never will be!

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Flood is unable to make the most of the resulting penalty from Care's yellow carded.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Danny Care is yellow carded for a deliberate knock on. No complaints here

Edward John Gregory May 5

Whoop! Come on Tigers!

Josh Fraser Layton May 5

Get in !!!!!!

Ultimate Rugby May 5

A turnover in midfield and there's a big gap on the left. The ball spills out to Leicester winger Gonevea. The wide man shows real pace and strength to beat the final defenders and go over underneath the posts for the first try of the game. Flood makes the conversion with the last play of the half.

William Hemstock May 5

Yes yes yes tiger tiger tiger

Ultimate Rugby May 5