CJ Stander rugby player
CJ Stander

Try | 9'

Walter Obrien
El Rat 9 years ago

Look out Heaslip - next October you're history!

Matthew Rhys Williams
Matthew 9 years ago

When does he qualify for Ireland? He is a **** of a player!

Ray Mullins
Ray Mullins 9 years ago

Somebody needs to tell these lads its not U12 rugby. Reminds of playing around a schoolyard with the final score being 312-287

Walter Obrien
El Rat 9 years ago

Read above October!!!!!

Lucas Brecón
Lucas B. 9 years ago

Good sight El Rat. We need a replacement for Heaslip. CJ could be warming the bench in October while he waits to be half good as Heaslip.

Alan Madden
Madzer 9 years ago

Heaslip is the most over rated player in Irish history. Hyped up cos of the money he is on!

Lucas Brecón
Lucas B. 9 years ago

Never miss a good chance to shut up. It's a good advice. Maybe you don't like what sort of play he develops but over rated?

Walter Obrien
El Rat 9 years ago

Lucas - Heaslip an overrated / overpaid ruck inspector !!!

Lucas Brecón
Lucas B. 9 years ago

No way pal. Tell me a couple of Irish 8's better than him. I understand Alan, I would like to see Vermeulen with the 8 green, but this is Irish rugby.

Robert Cremin
Rugby Expert 9 years ago

no point comparing them they are both great players in their own ways

Jai Tuohy
Jai T. 9 years ago

Jordi Murphy is just as good as heaslip. Cj is better than both...

Walter Obrien
El Rat 9 years ago

Lucas shouldn't you be commenting on the Ladyboys in Edinburgh?

Lucas Brecón
Lucas B. 9 years ago

I comment in every Irish match as a Irish supporter, if don't mind. Jordi could be the next 8. I didn't say that CJ Stander is a bad lad, I only said that Heaslip is mature and useful.

Jai Tuohy
Jai T. 9 years ago

No doubt he's useful but he's not the battering ram he was. We need either a number eight who puts the fear of god into the other team everytime he gets the ball and they're afraid to tackle, or a number eight who is decent at turning over the ball....

Lucas Brecón
Lucas B. 9 years ago

Jai T. Completely agree, but now there's no Irish son of Odin to play that way. It's a pity but it's true. CJ it's a quite good player but you know....Vermeulen is bokke too.

Jai Tuohy
Jai T. 9 years ago

I agree with you Lucas I don't think cj will make the rwc squad I think Murphy is too versatile and heaslips experience will be needed for the tournament but after cj may get a look in...

Jai Tuohy
Jai T. 9 years ago

It's also a pity that we have to look outside our nation for players but honestly I think we have to take the best on offer to keep moving forward

Lucas Brecón
Lucas B. 9 years ago

That's the point Jai T. I don't see the point of cap players like CJ because it rest diminish the odds to the youngsters. For example Iain Henderson is versatile enough to play second and third row, he could be reconverted in 8. Murphy, Conan is inexperienced but fantastic ball carrier. Maybe all you are right and CJ represents a train to take to improve the Irish squad, I don't know

Ray Mullins
Ray Mullins 9 years ago

Jordi, Conan & Jack O'Donoghue (5 years)

Jai Tuohy
Jai T. 9 years ago

Was just thinking the same

Brian Kennelly
Tim Nanai Williams 9 years ago

Cj stander doesn't qualify till after rwc anyway ye stupid fools

Jai Tuohy
Jai T. 9 years ago

Qualifies the day of the World Cup final ya thick ******* :)