Ultimate Rugby Mar 3
Yoann Huget Trt
Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Machenaud picks the ball up and runs into a brick wall that is Ross Ford. The ball is held up giving Scotland the scrum on the French 10 metre line. 8 minutes left for the Scots to hold on to their first win over France since 2006.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

10 minutes left here at Murrayfield as France chasing a win that will keep them in the championship race.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

France are their own worst nightmare at this stage after a great run from Bastareaud the ball is eventually passed to Mermoz but he knocks the ball on. Laidlaw kicks away the ball to end the advantage and Dulin runs into his own player knocking on aswell. Scotland have the put in on halfway. Is there anyway back for France.

James E. Mar 3

Go Scotty botty!!

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Chouly does brilliantly to turn over and now it is French ball.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Great scrumming from Scotland as they turn the scrum and now they will have the put in.

Dave Roberts Mar 3

If France loose expect a huge backlash in Paris next week. Another loss for Ireland

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Great scrummaging by both and France look to dominate but Scotland counter scrum and we will have a reset scrum.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

France have a scrum on the Scotland 10 meter line and will look to dominate and force a penalty.