Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

SA deal with the restart and set their maul rolling once more

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

SA win the ball at the lineout and set their maul rolling. They smash NZ backwards and Nortje crashes over from close range

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Sihle Njezula returns following HIA

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Penalty SA as McWhanell is pinged for side entry at the maul. Dobela finds touch right in the corner

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Lubabalo Dobela finds touch at the 10m line. Nortje wins the ball at the back of the lineout and SA set their maul to work

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

SA look to run it out from deep but the ball is deliberately knocked on by NZ. Penalty SA

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

NZ win the ball at the front of the lineout but SA turn it over thanks to come excellent counter-rucking

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

SA win the ball at the lineout but are then penalised for holding on. They find touch in the corner

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Jack Hart tries to clear his lines but it is charged down by NZ and bounces into touch

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

NZ begin to look dangerous but SA manage to turn it over