Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Perpignan look to maul but an error gives Agen the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Just a penalty to Perpignan, Jackson sets up the lineout as we enter the final 7 minutes

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty to Perpignan, bit of a scuffle breaks out and the TMO will have a look

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Vaka on the switch with a strong carry

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Agen look to maul

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Selponi clears to touch

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Agen kick for territory

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Cut out pass from McIntyre

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Quick hands but the flick on goes forward, scrum Agen on halfway

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Great run from Chateau and he gets the pass away up to halfway