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Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Ospreys clear the ball downfield and Smith gathers it

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Benetton are saved as they receive a penalty. Smith attempts to clear for touch but it's unsuccessful. Ospreys have possession on the halfway

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Ospreys win their lineout but the Benetton defence looks strong as they push them back slightly

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Ospreys win the lineout and maul the ball before receiving a penalty that Myler clears for touch in the Benetton 22

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Benetton steal it anyways and the ball eventually finds touch in the same position but on the opposite side of the field

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Smith attempts the 50:22 rule but it isn't successful. It's an Ospreys lineout on the Benetton ten metre line

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Ospreys force the turnover and get the penalty. Myler clears for touch over the halfway

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Benetton get the ball to within the Ospreys ten metre line where the latter are caught off their feet. Lineout for Benetton to follow inside the visitors' 22

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Myler restarts and Benetton gather outside their 22

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

What a play from Smith! He gives a little chip over the top that's perfectly weighted, allowing him to gather it just three metres out. He gets over and dots it down!