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Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Pumas win a penalty on the Bulls 10m.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Pumas get the second half underway

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Bulls with a commanding lead at half time as they dominate possession and territory to score three unanswered tries. Pumas have defended all of the first half and rarely took it into the Bulls half. It could be a long second half for the Pumas

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

A knock on ends the half

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Clever chip over the top is claimed by the Pumas on half way

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Pumas now with a scrum penalty after several resets of the Bulls scrum

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Bulls win another penalty on the 5m. Pumas not rolling away

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

They opt for another scrum

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Bulls win a scrum penalty on the 5m

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

The maul comes down just short of the line. The Bulls then knock on the pick and drive