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Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Canes maul from the lineout and then send it wide soon afterwards, beginning with the phases in the process

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Barrett clears the ball out for touch inside the Blues 22

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Canes are awarded with a penalty on the halfway as the Blues fail to release the ball

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Blues finally turn the ball over and kick it downfield before receiving it back

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Canes going into the 12th phase now with not much progression

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Canes still have possession on the Blues ten metre line

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Canes restart and Blues carry the ball out for touch on their 22 and Canes get the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The Blues send the ball wide to from the scrum and their numerical advantage proves too much for the Canes to handle. Perofeta goes over the line with awesome speed

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Blues win their scrum

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Blues opt for the scrum on their five metre line