Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Briggs misses touch from a penalty but Ireland regain possession and are on the attack again but the ball goes forward and Italy have the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Italy are in a good attacking position with a scrum in Ireland half but the Irish scrum is too strong and they manage to turn it over yet again.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Ireland turn it over and clear their lines. Italy with the lineout on the 22.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The Italian have burst into life in attack and advance 50m up the field looking very dangerous. They have a lineout 5m out from the Irish line.

Adrian Sims Feb 2

Well done ladies. Keep up the pressure.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The Irish girls are gelling very well today but struggle to retain possession. Italy look to clear their lines but the ball was brought back into the 22 so Ireland have a lineout 25m out

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Williams gets the scoring underway after some confident play from the Irish

Nic De Róiste Feb 2


Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Ireland are battering away at the Italian line

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Irland put the pressure on in the scrum again and turn the ball over.