Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Jags keeping it slow but Brumbies defend well to win the turn over

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Bonilla finds touch on the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Pulu is off for a HIA

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Penalty to the Jaguares for offside

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Bonilla restarts the game with Brumbies having a mountain to climb

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

The Jaguares lead 20 points to 7 against the Brumbies at half time after Faingaa scores on the 40th minute equaling the record for tries scored by a hooker at 12 tries.

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Jaguares are well in control of this Semi Final. They started like a house on fire and deservedly took a 20 point lead. Brumbies were poor for almost most of the half. They never really saw the ball and when they did, they lost it easily. They were lucky to win a few penalties close to halftime to get them close to the line before Faingaa equaled the try scoring record for a forward, with his 12th try of the season, to give the Brumbies a glimmer of hope

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Brumbies just work a few pick and drives before Faingaa goes over to score

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Brumbies maul is brought down 5m short, but they have an advantage