Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty Glasgow and they kick to the corner

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Break in play for injuries on both sides

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Byrne with a gorgeous flat pass out to Larmour who steps a couple of defenders. He then offloads to R. Kearney who gives it to his brother to score

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Leinster form a maul to get inside the Glasgow 22

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Leinster with a penalty and a chance to get out of their half

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Scrum Leinster on their 22

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Glasgow receive Gibson-Park's box kick and Hastings carries back into the 22

Mick McGrath Apr 4

C’mon my Leinster men!

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Byrne hits Kearney on the short side and the fullback is over

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Leinster pick and go near the try line