Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Sighs of relief from Leinster as Matawalu makes his way off the pitch. The half-back has been a key operator in the Glasgow attack today.

Graeme Henry Mar 3

Hmmmm good question. As soon as he runs he always looks fresh?

Roibeard O Fuaráin Mar 3

Why take off Matawelu stand out player

Cal Mar 3

Big pat mac on, just you watch Leinster

Graeme Henry Mar 3

Dig yer heels in glasgae, c'mon do us proud. Keep the lead, extend it, hold it. Top of the league here we come!!!!!!!

Cal Mar 3

Great penalty Glasgow.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Glasgow lineout is disrupted by Jamie Hagan, who drags down the player in the air. The Warriors consider the posts but are discouraged by the strength of the wind. They boot the ball into the corner and try to build the phases. The Leinster defence holds strong though and they force a penalty at the breakdown. Madigan clears.

Roibeard O Fuaráin Mar 3

Well done Jamie Hagan great work

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Isaac Boss fires the ball to Madigan off the back of a scrum. But Madigan has to stretch for it and the ball is knocked forward. Scrum Glasgow, and a perfect attacking platform in the Leinster twenty-two... But nothing comes of it.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Highly exciting forty minutes. Glasgow playing some superb rugby here at the RDS, while Leinster seem startled by the Warrior's ferocity. Glasgow indiscipline combined with Ian Madigans excellent kicking form has kept the home team in this. Madigan prepares to kick-off the second half..