Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

New Zealand with the restart

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

New Zealand with a commanding half time lead.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty goes to Portugal at the depth as Ware attempts to stretch for the try but, in the end is pinned for not releasing the ball.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

New Zealand attack from the scrum but are held up short of the try line

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

However , there was a knock on from Portugal and New Zealand have the scrum feed

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

New Zealand attack from deep inside their own half but, the final pass in the red zone goes to ground and the possession is lost

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty now to New Zealand and its taken quickly

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty to Portugal as the tackled player was not released

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

New Zealand spread the ball out wide to Sonny Bill who draws two defenders pops off the trademark offload behind the back resulting in another try

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Simple try for the Kiwis as they manage to pop the ball up to the ever impressive big man for the score under the posts