Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Could this be a turning point in the match with around 10 minutes to play

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Just on the field and Coville is sent to the sin bin, Stade Francais down a player for the next ten minutes

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Playing the man in the air

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Malie looks to have been played in the air, TMO will have a look for foul play

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

It's wide and Pau will restart with a 22 drop out

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

The visitors will kick for goal

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Scrum penalty to Stade Francais

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Blanc to feed the scrum on the Pau 22

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Macalou wins the ball in the air for Stade

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

The next score for either side could be crucial in the outcome of this match