top 14
Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Guitoune makes a great carry and frees Madaule who brings play into the Pau 22

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Toulouse win the scrum against the head and Dupont breaks up the pitch

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Mowen puts a kick through and Kolbe knocks the ball on giving a scrum to Pau

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Pau win the lineout move into the Toulouse 22 after some good carries

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Pau win a penalty at the scrum and kick to the corner

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Toulouse steal a Pau lineout and move the ball wide but the ref calls for a forward pass

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Pau kick to the corner but they lose the lineout and Toulouse clear their lines

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Kolbe counters back but Pau steal the ball at the breakdown and win a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Pau move the ball wide off the scrum and Taylor clears long

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Kolbe makes a great break into the Pau 22 but they are deemed to have knocked it on in the next phase