Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Blade clears to touch on the 10m

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Connacht take it up to halfway. The offload comes off a foot to Thomas, who kicks brilliantly down the line and into touch short of the 5m

Ronan Byrne Dec 12

Not Eoghan Masterson, it was his brother Sean Masterson who went off injured...

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Connacht defend well on their 5m as Racing are holding on

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Racing send it through the hands to Taofifenua, who is tackled just short

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Kick to the corner

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Racing with all the momentum

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Penalty to Racing at the breakdown for side entry in the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

The maul is has too much momentum as Bird goes over

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Kick to the corner