Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

De Klerk clears

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

James kicks off

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

A fiery first half sees Sale lead by just the 3 points. A yellow and red card to La Rochelle, should have seen Sale put this game to bed but they failed to capitalize. They have a 2 man advantage for 5 minutes and will play against 14 men for the rest of the game. Sale need to regroup and turn that advantage count. La Rochelle started slow but gained momentum after scoring but they have been their own worst enemy. We should have a very interesting 2nd half

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Penalties conceded:
Sale Sharks 3 - 11 La Rochelle

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Sale send it wide quickly before R Du Preez gets tackled around the neck. MacGinty opts for the shot

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11
La Rochelle down to 13
Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Another scrum penalty to Sale. Referee may have to bring another card out. Another scrum called

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Bourgarit is sent off for eye gouging

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11
Rattez goes over for the try