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Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Overthrown and the Sharks have it

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Hawkshaw sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Sharks caught offside, penalty Leinster who are back up to 15 players

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

O'Brien takes it up again from the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Sharks attack the short side but it's lost forward to touch, scrum Leinster

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Into the final 10 minutes

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Box kick from Foley, Fassi puts it high and Leinster lose it forward for a Sharks scrum

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

O'Brien hits it up strongly

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Scrum will be reset

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Fassi was not in touch and the offload inside was gathered by Bosch who dotted down in the corner, but the offload was forward, it will be a Leinster scrum 5m from their own line