Ultimate Rugby Sep 9
Crowley spots the gap
Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Crowley is the man to take it over the line as he spots a gap in the defence from the back of the scrum on the five metre. He makes sure to take advantage of the gap and does so in brilliant fashion by scoring another fiver!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9
Iose under the poles!
Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Iose receives the ball from Booth at the breakdown and he breaks the Southland defence brilliantly to get a try underneath the poles!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9
Ormond in the corner!
Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Southland play around on the left-hand-side of the field and create an overlap on the right. Ormond makes sure he's waiting in the overlap and gets a wide pass that sets him up for the try in the right corner!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9
Pleasants-Tate with the try
Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Southland do a brilliant job in picking up their momentum leading up to the try line. The ball travels through the hands and finally lands up in Pleasants-Tate's hands with him powering over the line to get the first five point of the game!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

It's round six of the Mitre 10 Cup and this time it's Southland who take on Manawatu. Southland have really struggled to pick up any momentum this season, losing all of their five games. Manawatu haven't been as unlucky and have lost four of their five so far this season. This means that they are the favourites leading into this match but only time will tell if Southland will get their first victory of the season or whether Manawatu will assert their dominance.

My name is Wade Solomon and this is Ultimate Rugby!