Champions Cup
Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Hall outside the 22 and he sends it wide

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

SF maul it from the line out win

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Penalty to the home side and Segonds kicks to touch

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

SF scrum to restart

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Veanu in on his man and forces a knock on with a big hit

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Blade showing some great skills

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

SF playing quite loose in their half as they tap on out wide but it misses the target and goes out, Connacht line out

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Toulouse will be watching this game closely because if Stade Francais win it would mean the Champions will miss out.

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Arnold the one with the last pass but he had a few options as Connacht attack with accuracy

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Butler switches and is in for the bonus point try