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Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

They are looking at the cleanout from McMahon in the lead up to the try

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

TMO called in for potential brilliant try from Suntory

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Side entry at the breakdown inside the Suntory 22m

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Suntory under pressure at the back. Its hacked into touch on the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Penalty to Verblitz just inside of halfway. Cronje lines up a shot

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Verblitz win a penalty on the 22m, Shot called

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Brilliant from Suntory.. McMahon involved again as he takes it past the 10m, before playing Tui, who flicks out to Nakano. He steps his way through a few defenders to go on to score

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Suntory playing under advantage, as they press up to the try line. A long pass to Barrett sees the fly half perfectly cross kick to Li to score in the corner

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Good defense from Suntory after a good scrum. They tackle Shigeno into touch on the 5m

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

No try. Ozakis, flick is called forward before Tui could go over