Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Estevez gets Portugal's 3rd try after some great play by his team mates and a great cut back by the big man

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Fiji just running in the tries at will now after Portugal infringe at their own line out

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Viriviri scores off the restart as he hits the gap and out sprints the cover defence

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

It all came from a turnover and a bustling run

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Fiji strike first in the second half as this game is still a tough arm wrestle

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Esteves with a brilliant individual try. He threw a dummy and shook a tackle to help Portugal draw level at half time

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Great interchange of passes by Fiji close at the ruck and in the tackle area as Portugal start to tire

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Portugal holding their own against the 7's specialists Fiji

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Murray goes in as he uses his blistering pace to out run the Fijians

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Kunatani with a massive shoulder charge and fend on the defender as he goes over.