Mike Watters Nov 11

Wilko would've kicked that

Felipe Balerio Nov 11

Go Teros, congratz to Ortega

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

FT in the Stade Pierre Antoine and Castres take victory by 22 points to 14! A scare late in the second half by means of 2 David Smith tries was not enough the upset the home sides quest for a much needed win. An excellent performance from Castres all round who made the most of a below par Toulon side here this afternoon. That's all from us here, please tune in again soon for some more live rugby coverage. Until next time!

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Castres camped in Toulon's line but are pinned for holding on and Toulon can relieve pressure once more. Less than a minute to play, this will be the last play of the half. 22-14

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Ali Williams is penalised for not rolling away and Castres kick to the corner once more. They will intend on spending the rest of the half down this end of the field - LO 5m out.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Toulon pinned for collapsing a maul a Castres kick their way inside the Toulon 22 once more. LO 7m out.

Ludovic L. Nov 11

2 try in 5 mn verry god

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

TRY TOULON - Another try for David Smith just moments after the last one. Toulon exposing Castres lack of a full side in the back line and who better than Smith to make use of an overlap. The Kiwi finishes in style and escande adds the extras. All of a sudden Toulon are starting to believe. 22-14

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

TRY TOULON - David Smith races over in the corner after being fed quickly off the back of the ruck by Jocelino Suta

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Sitiveni Sivivatu sent to the bin for a cynical offence preventing a potential try