Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

WP form a maul from the lineout, They struggle to make any metres and eventually lose the ball forward when they let the ball get to the backline.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty to WP. Schickerling gets his hands on the ball at the ruck, Lions hold onto the ball. WP are able to clear the line.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Orie has been solid at the lineouts. He secures the ball. Lions taking the ball through the phases.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Lions have another lineout, this time 5m out.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Lions form a maul from the lineout before attacking the blindside. The Lions win another penalty for bringing the maul down.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Lions put in a big scrum and win a penalty. Reynolds sets up a lineout inside the WP 22m area.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Lions bring on SA U21 centre Simelane to try change things up in the midfield. Lions have a scrum 60m out, midfield.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

WP attack the midfield from the lineout. Lions hooker Fourie gives a penalty away at the ruck for not releasing the player. Marais lines up a kick at goal from 50m out.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Lions steal the ball at the lineout. They attempt to run the ball out of the 22m before Coetzee clears the ball down field. WP lineout on halfway.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Reynolds gets the half underway. WP soon win a penalty at the ruck. Stander is able to set up a lineout near the Lions 22m.