Ultimate Rugby May 5

Vici kicks into touch to end the game

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Houston knock on the tryline

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Houston drive over but its held up

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Penalty to Houston on the 5m. They opt for a scrum

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Houston chip ahead, the bounce is kind for Vici. He runs out of space and waits for support

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Glendale take it up from the penalty kick. They get up to halfway

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Shot called

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Penalty to Houston before a scuffle breaks out

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Scrum on halfway to Houston

Ultimate Rugby May 5

What a response. Vici receives a sneaky flick, he takes it up, handing off a few defenders on his way to the 6m, before popping to Windsor to score