Ultimate Rugby May 5

Paillaugue's pass is knocked down by Couville. He picks up the rebound and goes over

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Sempéré was lying all over the ball, and never really tried to roll away quick enough

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Penalty to Montpellier. Not rolling away

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Bismark du Plessis takes it on the wing before being tackled on the 5m

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Serfontein gets a pop inside the 22 and gets a few metres

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Montpellier into the 22 now after slowing building some phases

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Cruden kicks from the base, Camara collects it on halfway

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Penalty to SF from the breakdown. Sanchez will have another shot

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Montpellier send it high. Ngandebe does brilliant to pluck it out the air

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Montpellier again turnover in their 22. SF will be kicking themselves