Simon Edgar Sep 9

Never in any doubt!

Stephen Paine Sep 9

Haha I certainly will be cheering the other way next week :D

Phil Sep 9

Scotland just much fitter and good depth as well as impact from the bench. Frustrating that they have to start slow

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9
Darren Ramsay Sep 9

Yeah. Let's hope we can do a Japan.

Stephen Paine Sep 9

Well done Scotland. Looking forward to the big game next week!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Time up on the clock and Hogg punts it into the stands bringing the game to a close for a good victory to Scotland

Darren Ramsay Sep 9

Ah ok. Never liked cricket.

Darren Ramsay Sep 9

I Mike basketball. Never got into yank ball. And baseball is an even boring longer version of cricket.

Justine Randall Sep 9
