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Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Reds attack from just inside their half and start to look strong despite the numerical disadvantage!

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Reds give a cross kick from the penalty and that hands possession over to the Rebels who clear it soon afterwards to relieve pressure

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Reds are awarded with a scrum penalty after a massive push! What a scrum from the hosts

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

A kicking game ensues and it finally gets knocked on by the Reds just inside the Rebels ten metre line

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

To'omua clears the ball downfield and Reds attack from just inside their half

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Rebels clear for touch over their ten metre line and win the subsequent lineout

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Fotuaika receives a red card as he delivers a tackle directly to the head of Hardwick in the ruck

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The TMO notifies the ref of potential foul play and they will have a look

Keith Saxon Feb 2

Such a bad game

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Rebels get the scrum on their five metre line